Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's been forever!

I haven't written in forever!
It's a combination of lack of time and lack of patience to sit down and actually blog about anything.
Very very very crazy week.
My sister was home for a full week so I spent time with her, lots of fun, I really missed her and I love it when she comes home from college.
It's quite possible I will be going to Philly this coming weekend too.
(fingers crossed)
I do not remember much from this week, I did however, get a Zhu Zhu pet from my mom.
They really are cute!
Not as cute as my Meatball though who had a peppermint stick, tootsie roll, 2 bags of Swedish fish Easter eggies, and a wheat thin for food today.
My lil fatty<3
I have heard sooooo many Elvis Costello songs lately, whether it was on the radio or a movie I was in shock with all the Costello that was played this week.
My sister told me there's a Costello show playing in Atlantic City soon and she wanted to buy tickets and go with me, but you have to be 21 to attend :(
I did get to see my friends band Am Rev2 play yesturday, it was so amazing! Once I had a beer in me I was really grooving to the amazing music of The Corn Dogs, The Heavy Beat and of course Am Rev2.
I was told they could hear me screaming along to their songs haha.
I plan on dying some of my hair pink, but keeping the blue.
While that Processing I will be studying some French!

Monday, March 1, 2010


So my weekend was very exciting because it was in Philly!!!!
I got down there and hung out with The Snails and we drank a bit and had some wonderful talks about dragon/bird tattoos and ankle tat's being for girls. haha
They played an awesome set even though their mic's were cutting in and out, i was right in the front so i got to hear them singing :)
Also, with that drink in me i was singing myself, yeesh haha.
The next day I met Tyler Grady's roommate :) he is really funny and he told us funny stories about Tyler Grady, and he is going to give him one of my bracelets! It's exciting and i hope he gets it haha.
I gave a haircut to one of the Snails roomates and then we hung out and played webchat roulete(spelling?) and it was pretty scary.....we talked to the jonas brothers haha!
Ugh im sick with a cold and now im guna drink some OJ and play with Mr.Meatball!